Attending acupuncture school was eye opening in more ways than just the obvious education of inserting needles into people and watching healing happen. I also went to school with a "bunch of hippies" as I used to joke. These colleagues and teachers began to show me what they had understood deeply for years, which was exactly how poisoned our food system had become, and how vigilant we need to be in order to avoid ingesting pesticides, chemicals, and other pollutants. It was a shocking revelation to find out how unprotected we are by the powers that be.
There are a lot of documentaries out there that will give you the rundown of how our food system works in the U.S., and The Bullish Farmer should be added to that library. It's a great film that shows how a small farm should be run, could be run, and used to be run if not for large corporations that instead push for profit, leaving quality and sustainability in the dust. But what does a cleaner diet mean anyways? There are many factors that go into an individuals health, but what if it meant less allergies, what if it meant no constipation, bloating, GERD, less colds and flus, less chance of cancer and disease? What if it means that your sleep, energy, and moods get better? What if it meant that your pain went away and you saw me less often? We eat every single day. Shouldn't what we eat be natural and not filled with poisonous pesticides and untested modified genetics? Yes please. THE BULLISH FARMER is a feature-length documentary on sustainable agriculture. It journeys into the life of a Wall Street investment banker-turned farmer as he struggles to build and run a farm that feeds his family and his community.
February 2021